Career coaching - My career profile

Target group: Academic staff, alumni

Date: 18.06.2024 and 19.06.2024, 9 a.m. - 5 p.m.

Work units: 16

Rhythm: regular/annual

Location: Seminar room, University library

Trainer: Christoph Schuseil

Course language: German

Registration: by 03.06.2024 via the registration form

At the end of their doctorate, most people reach a point where they want to critically question their own development path and examine the extent to which their idea of their future career is in line with themselves and their desired life situation.

Specific questions could be:

▪ "I'm happy with my subject! What direction should my career take now? I don't yet have a concrete idea of what professional role I feel comfortable in and could be successful in."

▪ "I have the opportunity to join a company. Which one suits me - or which company do I actually fit in with?"

▪ "My professional focus is clear, but what interdisciplinary qualities actually make me special? What impetus do I want to provide? What challenges do I enjoy and how can I get to the heart of the matter?"

▪ "I'm looking for a balance between my private and professional life. How can I achieve this?"

The focus of interest here is the desire to clarify one's own motives, skills, inclinations and interests in order to be able to make well-founded career decisions. To this end, they develop a clear profile. The workshop "Career Coaching - My Career Profile" offers doctoral students this clarification aid and creates the incentive to take a close look at their career path and to network with other doctoral students.

In the workshop, doctoral candidates go through a location analysis and gain clarity about their own career goals. The aim is to develop a profile of values, interests, qualifications and skills in a short space of time and to clarify the question - what do I actually want and where should my professional journey take me next? Participants receive essential feedback on their strengths and weaknesses. It becomes clear to them which fields of activity are suitable or not.

The didactic and methodological focus is on practical work and experience-oriented exercises in alternating small groups, supported by the coach. This group work is supplemented by short theoretical inputs and reflection rounds in plenary sessions as well as peer counseling. Various analysis models are used to approach the topic from different perspectives.




Christoph Schuseil

Contact us

Dr. Jacqueline Leßig-Owlanj

Phone: 05323-72-2972
