Well prepaird for teaching

Target group: scientific employees, professors
Dates: 29.03.2024 or 29.09.2024, 9.30am-1pm
Location: tba
Course language: German
Work Units: tba
Registration: LINK

The planning of the first course is usually characterized by uncertainties. What should students be able to do at the end of a course? How does learning work and how can I design a course to promote learning? What is expected of me as a teacher? What can I expect from the students?

We would like to clarify these and other questions with you as a new teacher. Well prepared for teaching offers an introduction to teaching at universities. An overview is given of how to design a course in a way that promotes learning. From the formulation of learning objectives to the planning of teaching-learning situations and the review of learning objectives. In addition to the overview, we will work individually on your questions and topics that are particularly relevant to your situation.

The workshop consists of several modules that are individually selected and adapted to your needs. In an introductory workshop, we will present the dimensions of course planning and aspects of learning-promoting design. Subsequently, we will identify topics individually with the participants and work on a selection of topics in follow-up sessions according to their needs.

The goal is to enable you to start your first course with confidence.


Florian Kainer
Tel.: 05323 72 3051
Email: florian.kainer@tu-clausthal.de
Internet (link) for further details and to register